Lent is the Church’s annual season of preparation for Easter. The faithful and those new to faith are encouraged to pay greater attention to the Eucharist and the Word of God as they grow more deeply as disciples of Christ. Renewed efforts in prayer, penance, and giving characterize this season. At St. Hilary, there are a wealth of opportunities to observe Lent and we invite you and your family to join us.
Monday – Saturday 11:30am; Wednesdays at 5:30pm (followed by Soup Supper in the Hall-see below)
Saturdays 5pm & Sundays 7:30am, 9am, 11am, & 5:30pm in the Church & online
Saturdays: 12:15 – 1pm & Good Friday, April 18: 3pm-6pm
Every day 9am -4 pm in the Chapel
Fridays 12pm
After the 5:30pm Wednesday Masses during Lent (March 12, 19, 26 & April 2 & 9) in the Hall
Everyone struggles with prayer. In this six-week workshop for Lent, we'll unpack the essentials of prayer and how to grow closer to Christ through it. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn how to pray more deeply with our popular workshop leader, Paul Venables. Click here to get connected.
The foundational call of Christians to charity is a frequent theme of the Gospels and a special project of Lent. We are asked to focus more intently on “almsgiving,” which means the provision of goods and services, works of mercy and charity, or financial support to the “poor” as they are present around us. Giving also includes our tithe or offering, our worship offering in our place of worship as an act of worship. To learn more about giving to St. Hilary, click here.
Lent is a season of renewal, and small groups provide the perfect space to journey through it together. Gathering in small groups allows us to reflect more deeply on our faith, support one another in spiritual growth, and live out the Lenten call to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in a meaningful way. By coming together each week, we can share insights from the Sunday Gospel, encourage one another in our Lenten commitments, and challenge ourselves to grow as disciples of Christ. Small groups offer a place for honest conversations, where we can talk about the struggles and joys of our faith journey. Whether discussing the challenges of fasting, the impact of prayer, or ways to serve those in need, these gatherings help us stay accountable and connected. Lent is not meant to be walked alone, and through small groups, we can find strength in community, deepen our understanding of God’s word, and be inspired by one another’s experiences. Click here to join one of our small groups.
When fasting, a person eats one full meal and two smaller, simpler ones only. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are both days of fasting. All the faithful are also called to abstain from meat on those days as well as all the Fridays of Lent. “Giving up” other foods and drink, such as desserts or wine, is also encouraged as personal penances.
In Lent, we will offer a local service project. Serve with friends, serve with family members, or serve from home. Check it all out by clicking here to access our new Missions Page.