Volunteer members of the St. Hilary Conference of St. Vincent de Paul work in conjunction with the St. Vincent de Paul of Marin organization. St. Hilary parish member volunteers personally meet with neighbors in need. We provide a compassionate hearing of the client’s problem, advice for possible solutions, financial assistance for rent, utilities and food and also prayer. The focus is to prevent families from becoming homeless who reside in the St Hilary parish boundaries who have suffered a temporary emergency such as unusual medical or car expenses or loss of income from missing work from an illness or loss of job.

 As a member you would be expected to:

  • Attend monthly Conference meeting at the Rectory.

  • Working with another member be available one week per month to take any calls (averaging one call per week) referred to us from our countywide help line or received at the rectory directly.

  • Arrange to meet with the client for a home visit to access the needs of the family.  Provide possible solutions to the client including direct financial assistance with funds provided to us from the St. Hilary SVDP Fifth Sunday Collection.   On more complex cases work with the Homeless Prevention Director at the SVDP offices in San Rafael.   She provides expertise and access to grant and government funding to solve client problems needing larger amount of money.

  • Attend annual spiritual and training conference of Marin County SVDP volunteers.

Founded in 1833, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide organization of lay Catholics, following Christ’s call to serve the poor, the suffering, and the deprived.  See Vinnies.org for more information on the focus and services provided in Marin by the countywide St. Vincent de Paul organization.

Contact us for more information or for assistance at svdp4sthilary@gmail.com